Kira Noir a joué dans des films de grandes sociétés de production et utilise son charme pour promouvoir une éthique sexuelle positive. Nous nous sommes assis pour lui poser quelques questions sur la façon dont elle aime se coiffer avec les vêtements PH, sur la façon dont son travail dans l'industrie pour adultes l'a aidée à atteindre ses objectifs et sur ses produits préférés.
How have you enjoyed working in the adult industry? What are some major moments you’re most proud of?
Being an adult performer, I’ve had amazing opportunities to explore my sexuality. As far as major moments, hosting the 2021 AVN awards, becoming a Pornhub Brand Ambassador, and winning Female Performer of the Year at the 2023 AVN awards all stand out as huge events for me! I’m incredibly proud of how my career has grown.
Which Pornhub Apparel piece is your daily go-to?
My Pornhub crossbody bag is an essential part of my outfits now! It’s the perfect little purse.
How do you feel when you’re out and about in public in PH Apparel?
I love the trendy and flirty feel my Pornhub merch gives me! I get a lot of compliments every time I wear some.
How do you style your favorite PH merch?
The Pornhub sweats + a little crop top and cute sneakers has become one of my favorite go-to errand outfits. And a little black dress + sparkly pumps + sparkly PORNSTAR and XXX bobby pins = a sexy going out ensemble that I love.